后宫·甄嬛传 第54集 / Empresses in the Palace EP54

又名: 甄嬛传

Empresses in the Palace Poster
العلامات: Costume Drama China's

After the emperor returned to the palace, he concealed the news of the private meeting with Zhen Huan. Soon, Zhen Huan announced that she was pregnant; Su Peisheng invited Wen Shichu to feel her pulse personally. Wen Shichu understood Zhen Huan's intention of returning to the palace for revenge, and knew that persuasion was fruitless, so he could only help. The emperor learned that Zhen Huan was pregnant and wanted to take Zhen Huan back to the palace. The queen was shocked when she heard the news that Zhen Huan was pregnant, and regretted that she was careless for a while and let Zhen Huan take advantage of the loophole. In order to prevent Zhen Huan from returning to the palace, the queen personally planned a series of good shows for others to see: first, the incense sticks broke, and then she pretended to fall into the water. . Lingrong waited for the plane to fan the flames next to the emperor, and invited the envoy of Qin Tianjian to imply that Zhen Huan's pregnancy was ominous in the name of unknown astronomical phenomena. The emperor decided to postpone Zhen Huan's return to the palace. The fourth elder brother Hongli was poisoned in the soup, and the nanny died tragically after eating it by mistake. It happened that Meizhuang ran into him and brought Hongli to the Queen Mother.