后宫·甄嬛传 第38集 / Empresses in the Palace EP38

又名: 甄嬛传

Empresses in the Palace Poster
ট্যাগ: Costume Drama China's

The emperor and his concubines went to the Summer Palace to escape the summer heat. Zhen Huan met Hongli, the fourth elder brother who had not been loved by his father since childhood, in the Summer Resort, and she loved him very much. The emperor listened to the ministers in the hall about Geng Yao's complaints over the past few years. Concubine Hua was anxious after hearing the news, worried that the status of the Nian family would not be guaranteed.

Song Zhi was favored by the emperor and was promoted to "Zhi Promise". Concubine Hua had a long-term plan, suppressed the anger in her heart, and carefully watched the emperor's face. Concubine Hua hears that the emperor has summoned the ministers to discuss matters, and fearing that her brother Nian Gengyao has something to do with it, she tells Songzhi to test her words while serving her bed, but the emperor shirks her. The emperor asked Zhen Huan to discuss a good strategy to deal with Nian Gengyao. Zhen Huan understood the emperor's intentions and wanted to join hands with him to perform a good show.

Concubine Hua, Songzhi and others meet Zhen Huan on a narrow road. Zhen Huan is respectful to Concubine Hua on the surface, but she taunts Songzhi, embarrassing her. Concubine Hua saw it, and privately discussed with Cao Guiren to show Zhen Huan a look.