国家记忆:抗美援朝保家卫国 第2集 艰难决策 / National Memory: The Korean War EP02


National Memory: The Korean War Poster
ট্যাগ: Documentary War History

After more than a hundred years of turmoil, New China was poor and white, and the trauma of decades of war has not yet healed. The Chinese people yearn for a peaceful environment and concentrate on resuming national construction. However, when the flames of war came to China's gates, Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had to make major strategic choices according to the changes in the situation despite the many difficulties they faced. Without full assurance of victory, to send troops or not to send troops? Mao Zedong thought about it again and again, and couldn't sleep at night.

This episode mainly introduces the early days of the Korean War, after the U.S. Army landed in Incheon, Mao Zedong and the Party Central Committee faced the rapidly deteriorating situation in the Korean War and made a difficult decision on whether to send troops to North Korea, and finally made a great decision to form the Chinese People’s Volunteers to resist the U.S. and aid Korea to defend the country. On the issue of the commander-in-chief of the Chinese People's Volunteers, the Party Central Committee decided that Peng Dehuai should be the commander of the Volunteers.