国家记忆:抗美援朝保家卫国 第9集 勇挫敌锋 / National Memory: The Korean War EP09


National Memory: The Korean War Poster
ট্যাগ: Documentary War History

After four battles, Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai discussed that it was possible for the US military to land from the side of the Korean Peninsula to cooperate with the frontal attack. Peng Dehuai decided to preemptively attack the enemy first and launch the fifth battle. The victory of the fifth battle shattered the attempt of the US military to establish a new line of defense in the waist of North Korea.

This episode mainly introduces the battle process of the fifth campaign of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. As soon as the fourth battle ended, Li Qiwei, the new commander-in-chief of the "United Nations Army", suddenly launched an attack. Facing the enemy's attack, the Volunteers, who were in urgent need of rest, fought back tenaciously, broke through the enemy's defense line, and then transferred the main force secretly, severely injuring the enemy on the eastern front. In the subsequent strategic shift, the Volunteers completed the blocking mission with flesh and blood, and stabilized the front near the 38th parallel, forcing the US authorities to adjust the Korean War policy and seek armistice negotiations.