国家记忆:抗美援朝保家卫国 第12集 碧血长空 / National Memory: The Korean War EP12


National Memory: The Korean War Poster
ট্যাগ: Documentary War History

From the beginning of 1951, in order to cooperate with the ground forces to smash the strangling battle of the US military, the Central Military Commission decided that the Volunteer Air Force organized troops to participate in the war one after another. Under the unfavorable situation that the equipment and combat experience were not as good as those of the U.S. military, the Volunteer Army Air Force fought tenaciously, and wrote one after another touching hymns to the blue sky with courage and blood.

This episode mainly introduces the touching stories of the young People's Air Force fighting desperately against the U.S. military in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea and create a series of miracles in air combat. Beginning in early 1951, in order to cooperate with the ground forces to smash the "strangling war" of the US military, the newly established People's Air Force entered North Korea. Under the disadvantageous situation that the equipment and combat experience were not as good as the US military, they fought tenaciously and wrote a story with courage and blood. The first touching hymn to the blue sky.