倚天屠龙记 第1集 拥刀祸起 / The New Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre EP01

1986年港版倚天屠龍記 / 粤语版

The New Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre Poster
ট্যাগ: Costume Action Hongkong Drama

Zhang Sanfeng's 90th birthday is approaching, and the seven brothers go down the mountain to do good and eliminate evil as a gift to their master. Yu Dayan and Zhang Cuishan are walking a little far. But they see the sun shining on the copper furnace and producing black smoke, and a group of thieves (???) are setting up knives for refining. Several people hear about it and rush to it. Haisha sprinkles poisonous salt all over the sky. If you touch it, it will be like encountering corpse powder, and your whole body will quickly decay. Someone (???) takes advantage of the situation and steals the knife. Dayan and Cuishan follow to see what happens. This person is poisoned and his time is coming. Yu and Zhang want to save him. However, Yu and Zhang have dreams, and the thieves are not interested. After a while, the Haisha faction chases him, breaks into the house, sprinkles salt again, kills him and takes the knife. "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, but the knife cannot be lost", so it is inserted into the body. Haisha is stupid, and he can't see the sky or the underworld. When the Tianying Sect arrives, Changtanzhu is very stupid, and only observes his hands. Isn't it ridiculous? He believed Haisha more and chased the two men for 3,000 feet, unaware that the precious sword was before his eyes. Tianying left, and Yu Zhang appeared. Haisha fell down with a push from everyone, Tianying was extremely cruel. After searching everywhere, he found it without any effort. When he examined the body, he found the sword on the horse's hide. Cuishan handed the sword to his third brother and went to the coast to deal with the bullies. At this point, Yu Sanxia has become the target of public criticism and is destined to become a useless man. If I had known that all disasters were caused by the sword, why would I destroy my life by slaying the dragon? If the bandits can disturb the peaceful world, I will throw them to the bottom of the sea and both sides will be clear! However, if the three heroes are not useless, why should the five heroes die? If the five heroes are not dead, who will be the master of Wuji? [I am not the only general in the eyes of Mr. Jin, I am just an insignificant soldier (Faye Wong's "Chess Piece")].

The Mongolian Tartars captured the able-bodied men, and Dai Yan drew his sword to cut the chain rope. The leaky boat was not afraid of the ladder, and jumped onto a boat awning. Who knew that he would enter Xiao Leiyin by mistake, and happened to be talking with Yin Yewang. Yin Susu stabbed him from behind with a mosquito needle, and Yewang stabbed him with a seven-star nail, and a generation of heroes fell down like this. Yewang lied that he would exchange the knife for the antidote, but he broke his promise after getting the knife. Susu admired his reputation as a hero and fed him medicine. To avoid trouble, he disguised himself as a man and sent Yu Sanxia to Longmen Escort Agency in Lin'an Prefecture. This dart was entangled and had an unknown origin, but the chief escort dared to take money instead of life, so he promised. Ten days later, he finally arrived at the foot of Wudang and saw the "Six Heroes of Wudang", and he gave them to them. Susu saw that the "heroes" behaved strangely, so she followed them. It turned out that they were pretending to be from Shaolin School (Western Vajra Gate). So they fought. Susu was hit by the plum blossom dart and had to let it go.

At that time, Cuishan returned and the six heroes gathered. There was no news from Daiyan, and it was difficult for him to return home due to his serious injuries. Cuishan then went down the mountain and met Du Dagan. After asking about him, he was shocked and chased after him. When he saw him, Daiyan was already disabled, so he carried him to see his master. As his injuries were too severe, Sanfeng was also unable to help. Heart disease must be cured by heart medicine, and the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it - the injuries of Minmin's men must of course be treated with Minmin's unique medicine (Black Jade Ointment).