国家记忆:抗美援朝保家卫国 第11集 铁血动脉 / National Memory: The Korean War EP11


National Memory: The Korean War Poster
Stichworte: Documentary War History

During the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, there was a huge gap between the Chinese People’s Volunteers and the U.S. in terms of logistics supply capabilities. U.S. fighter planes continued to carry out targeted attacks on the Volunteers’ logistics transport vehicles. Facing the problem of logistical support, the central government mobilized all forces to ensure the supply of materials, laying the foundation for the subsequent campaign.

This episode mainly introduces the relevant content of the Chinese People's Volunteers smashing the "strangling battle" of the US military, ensuring front-line supplies, and making great contributions to the victory of the war. During the Volunteer Army’s war in North Korea, in order to ensure the supply of front-line troops, under the instructions of the central leadership, the Volunteer Army successively established the Rear Defense Service Command and the China-North Korea Joint Railway Transport Command. Under their unified command and deployment, the Volunteer Army smashed the "strangling battle" launched by the US military and built a steel transportation line that could not be broken or bombed.