国家记忆:抗美援朝保家卫国 第15集 坚守上甘岭 / National Memory: The Korean War EP15


National Memory: The Korean War Poster
Stichworte: Documentary War History

This episode mainly introduces the course of the battle of Shangganling in 1952 and the glorious history of a group of combat heroes and collectives that emerged from the volunteer army in this battle. From the official start of the Battle of Shangganling on October 14, 1952, to the withdrawal of the U.S. military from the battle on November 25, over a period of more than a month, around two hills, the Chinese and American militaries fought fierce battles rarely seen in the history of human warfare. In the fierce battle, the volunteers were brave and tenacious, playing the "Shangganling Spirit", withstood the US offensive, and created a glorious example in the history of human wars where the weak defeated the strong.