余生,请多指教 第4集 / The Oath of Love EP04


The Oath of Love Poster
Etiquetas: Drama Love China's

After Gu Xiao found Xiao Shan, he apologized and admitted that he was wrong. Someone suddenly sent a video request, Gu Xiao picked up the phone, and was in a dilemma, either answering or not answering. Xiao Shan reminded Gu Xiao to connect to the video, and Gu Xiao had no choice but to bite the bullet and connect to the video. A young woman's voice came out from the video. The woman called Gu Xiao brother kindly. It was inconvenient for Gu Xiao to talk to women because of Xiao Shan's presence. Xiao Shan teased Gu Xiao in a strange way, got up and left, and called Gu Xiao to the young woman. The young woman wanted to play with Gu Xiao, and hoped that Gu Xiao would tell her some time. Gu Xiao was not in the mood to talk to the young woman because of Xiao Shan’s departure. video. Gu Wei was worried about whether to perform surgery for Lin's father. A colleague saw Gu Wei's embarrassment and kindly enlightened Gu Wei. In the past, Gu Wei had a firm stance in practicing medicine and had already rejected several patients' requests for surgery. But now he is in an embarrassing situation because of Father Lin's surgery. Colleagues were puzzled and couldn't understand Gu Wei's thoughts. Gu Wei called Lin Zhixiao into the office and officially told Lin Zhixiao a secret. He once performed an operation on his master. Unexpectedly, after a few days, the master's condition suddenly deteriorated, and finally passed away. Gu Wei thought that he had killed his master, so he left a psychological shadow. Whenever he took a scalpel, his hands would tremble. He couldn't guarantee that there would be no problems when he operated on Father Lin. After listening to Gu Wei's experience, Lin Zhixiao didn't ask the truth, but changed the subject to ease the heavy atmosphere. Lin Zhixiao's female classmate came to the hospital to visit Lin's father, but Lin's father still didn't know that he had stomach cancer, so he was in good spirits and made jokes. Lin Zhixiao walked out of the ward with his female classmate on the pretext of washing apples, and told the female classmate the truth that his father suffered from stomach cancer. The female classmate complained that Lin Zhixiao was always against her father, and that his father was suffering from cancer. If Lin Zhixiao got angry, the consequences would be more serious. Lin Zhixiao went back to school to report to the band teacher. The band teacher announced that the team does not need a cellist for the time being. If there is a need in the future, Lin Zhixiao still has the opportunity to join. Lin Zhixiao understood what the band teacher said, and stood there in a daze. The band teacher didn't comfort Lin Zhixiao a word, and after finishing what he wanted to say, he turned and left without saying a word of affection. The dream of music was shattered, and Lin Zhixiao went to the rooftop to worry after returning to the hospital in a daze. Gu Wei also came to the rooftop. Lin Zhixiao mentioned to Gu Wei that she was eliminated by the band. She loved music very much and thought that she could join the band and become a cellist. Unexpectedly, God would not open her eyes. She thought it was her own. The level of music was so poor that it was eliminated. Gu Xiao went to the bar to find Xiao Shan, and stalked Xiao Shan with shamelessness. Under Xiao Shan's request, Gu Xiao drank desperately, and he was willing to drink as long as he could get Xiao Shan's forgiveness. After drinking one glass of wine after another, Gu Xiao became a little drunk, and his consciousness began to blur, and Xiao Shan in front of him also became blurred. After Gu Xiao regained consciousness, Xiao Shan had disappeared. Gu Xiao picked up the phone and looked at his face through the camera. A few words appeared on the left face: "I am a fool". These words are naturally Xiao Shan's masterpiece. When Gu Xiao was confused, Xiao Shan took the opportunity to write a few words on his face. Gu Wei reprimanded Xiao Du in the aisle. He was considered Xiao Du's senior. Xiao Du didn't care too much about patients, so he was criticized by Gu Wei. Gu Wei reminded Xiaodu that as the attending doctor of the patient, he had to serve the patient wholeheartedly and do a good job in every link. Xiao Du didn't dare to say a word, and listened to Gu Wei's education respectfully. He also realized that his work attitude was not correct enough, so he didn't dare to say a word, and could only bow his head and listen to the training. Lin Zhixiao returned to the hospital hallway and regained her confidence. She reminded herself not to give up music. Although she was eliminated by the band teacher before, she decided to study music as soon as she had time, hoping to impress the teacher with her persistent learning attitude.