三国演义 第46集 卧龙吊孝 / The Romance of Three Kingdoms EP46

高清修复版 目前最清晰 / 央视94版三国演义

The Romance of Three Kingdoms Poster

Zhou Yu (played by Hong Yuyu) arranged for Lu Su and others to help the lord achieve his great cause, and recommended Lu Su to Sun Quan (played by Wu Xiaodong) as his successor. Before Zhou Yu died, he shouted, "Since Yu was born, He Shengliang?" When Zhuge Liang (played by Tang Guoqiang) learned of Zhou Yu's death, he persuaded Liu Bei (played by Sun Yanjun) and others to go to mourn. Xiao Qiao gave Zhou Yu's saber to Lu Su. When Lu Su learned that Zhuge Liang had come to mourn, he sent Zhuge Jin to persuade him to come back. Zhuge Liang refused and insisted on coming. Cheng Pu and others heard the news that they planned to kill Zhuge Liang, and Lu Su expressed his intention to Sun Quan not to kill Zhuge Liang. On the day of the sacrifice, Zhuge Liang came crying bitterly, Gan Ning drew his sword and stabbed Zhuge Liang, and Zhao Yun shot down Gan Ning's sword with his sword. Lu Su ordered Cheng Pu and others to stop and treat the guests well. Zhuge Liang held the sword in front of Cheng Pu with both hands, but Cheng Pu had no choice but to take it. Zhuge Liang came to Zhou Yuling, crying bitterly about Zhou Yu's brilliant achievements in his life, and he also lost a confidant forever. Xiao Qiao uttered Zhou Yu's last wish: "Befriend Sun and Liu, and resist Cao Cao (played by Bao Guoan)." Quan watched Zhuge Liang's sacrifice, and no longer believed in the rumor that Gong Jin and Kong Ming were at odds. When Zhuge Liang left, he told Lu Su the strategy of withdrawing from Cao. Lu Su thanked him and felt that Zhuge Liang was affectionate, but Zhou Yu was too narrow-minded. Zhuge Liang met Pang Tong and left him a letter of recommendation, hoping that he would come to Jingzhou. Pang Tong was recommended by Lu Su to meet Sun Quan. Sun Quan saw that he had a strange appearance and failed to reuse him. When Liu Bei saw Pang Tong coming, he appointed him as the county magistrate. Three months later, Zhang Fei (played by Li Jingfei) went to inspect and was very angry when he saw that Pang Tong ignored political affairs in March. When Liu Bei saw Pang Tong again, he was ashamed and asked Zhuge Liang why he didn't recommend it. Pang Tong took out Zhuge Liang's recommendation, and everyone laughed.