西游记 第10集 三打白骨精 / Journey to the West EP10

完美修复版 / 86版西游记 / 老版西游记 / 央视版西游记 / Xi you ji

Journey to the West Poster

The White Bone Lady wanted to eat Tang Sanzang's flesh, but was afraid that Sun Wukong would see through her true form, so she transformed into a village girl, an old woman, and an old man three times to win Tang Sanzang's sympathy. Tang Sanzang really fell for the White Bone Lady's transformation, but was seen through by Sun Wukong three times and beaten to death with the golden hoop. Tang Sanzang believed that Sun Wukong killed innocent people and was determined to drive him away. With a letter of demotion in hand, Wukong burst into tears. Tang Sanzang thought of the past relationship between master and apprentice, and couldn't help crying.