西游记 第23集 传艺玉华洲 / Journey to the West EP23

完美修复版 / 86版西游记 / 老版西游记 / 央视版西游记 / Xi you ji

Journey to the West Poster

The king of Yuhua Prefecture issued an order to expel the monks. Tang Monk and his disciples arrived at the prefecture, disguised as merchants, and stayed in a small shop. The three princes led troops to investigate, and the four of them hid in rice jars, suitcases, mats, and wooden cabinets, and were carried into the palace to await their fate. At night, Wukong used the invisibility technique to sneak into the palace and shaved the heads of the king, queen, concubines, eunuchs, and all the civil and military officials. The king learned a lesson from this and admitted that he was wrong for rejecting Buddhism, so he treated Tang Monk and his disciples with courtesy.