西游记 第25集 波生极乐天 / Journey to the West EP25

完美修复版 / 86版西游记 / 老版西游记 / 央视版西游记 / Xi you ji

Journey to the West Poster

Tang Monk and his disciples crossed Lingyun Ferry and took a bottomless boat to reach the other side. They were reborn and came to Lingshan Mountain. The Buddha ordered the two venerables to lead them to Zhenlou for a vegetarian meal and to the Baoge for selecting scriptures. Unexpectedly, the two venerables asked them for "human affairs". Wukong refused to bribe, and what he got was actually a white essence without words. They returned to Lingshan Mountain to complain, but the Buddha did not blame the two venerables. The master and his disciples had to give the purple gold bowl to the venerables, and only then did they obtain the true scriptures with words, and were conferred the title of Buddha one by one.