三国演义 第2集 十常侍乱政 / The Romance of Three Kingdoms EP02

高清修复版 目前最清晰 / 央视94版三国演义

The Romance of Three Kingdoms Poster
แท็ก: China's History War Costume

After the main force of the Yellow Turban Uprising was suppressed, the local separatist forces developed rapidly, and the struggle between relatives and eunuchs became increasingly acute.

Because Emperor Ling was critically ill, a fierce struggle was launched between the ten servants headed by Zhang Rang and the great general He Jin around the dispute over the establishment of an heir.

Emperor Ling had two sons, He Hou gave birth to Prince Bian, and Wang Mei gave birth to Prince Xie. Empress He was jealous and poisoned the beauty Wang to death, and the prince was co-raised in Empress Dowager Dong's palace.

After the death of Emperor Ling, Shi Changshi wanted to get rid of He Jin first in order to establish Liu Xie as emperor. After He Jin heard the news, he discussed with Yuan Shao, who was born in four generations and three princes, to get rid of the eunuchs. He Hou was originally established as a queen by the power of eunuchs, so she was influenced by Zhang Rang and others to stop her. Cao Cao suggested: You should first correct the throne, and then punish the thieves. He Jin stood in front of Emperor Ling's coffin to help the Crown Prince Bian to inherit the throne, the Empress Dowager He came to assist the government, and He Jin used the general to participate in the affairs of the Minister and control the government. Instigated by Zhang Rang and others, the Empress Dowager Dong also went to the court to listen to the government. She named the prince Xie the king of Chenliu, and the uncle Dong Zhong as the general of the hussars.

He Jin sent Empress Dowager Dong back to her hometown of Hejian with an excuse, and was poisoned to death with poisoned wine on the way. He also summoned foreign soldiers to Beijing and tried his best to punish eunuchs. Unexpectedly, the ten permanent servants premeditated, falsely preaching the Queen Mother He's order, and summoning He to enter the palace. He Jin ignored Chen Lin and Cao Cao's dissuasion, entered the palace alone, and was killed by Zhang Rang in the Jiade Hall. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao led troops into the palace and killed all the eunuchs. In the chaos, Zhang Rang and Duan Gui hijacked the young emperor Liu Bian and Chenliu Wang Liu Xie to escape from the palace.

Cao Cao sent troops to pursue Zhang Rang and Duan Gui, looking for the young emperor. Ten permanent attendants were killed in the melee.

Emperor Shao and King Chenliu hid in the grass, and they were discovered by Situ Wangyun and other civil and military ministers until dawn. Just as he was about to return to the imperial court, Dong Zhuo, the governor of Xiliang, suddenly came running from afar. He had long been ambitious and took advantage of the chaos in Luoyang to lead troops into Beijing.

So far, the power of eunuchs has been completely eliminated, but a bigger war has begun.