又名: 甄嬛传
Nian Gengyao went to the palace to face the saint, but he didn't stand up to salute when he saw the king of Guojun; the open-minded king of Guojun didn't think so. The emperor attached great importance to Nian Gengyao, and the officials appointed by the court listened to his ideas; Nian Gengyao took credit for his pride and did not know how to restrain himself, and the emperor expressed a little dissatisfaction. The emperor and Zhen Huan discussed the affairs of the court and political cronies, and Zhen Huan was very knowledgeable about the past and the present, which won the emperor's favor. Lingrong meticulously embroidered a pajamas for the emperor, but seeing the emperor wearing the pajamas embroidered by Zhen Huan, she was suspicious, thinking that Zhen Huan was trying to compete with herself. The queen noticed it and provoked the relationship between Ling Rong and Zhen Huan.
The next day, when the sisters were chatting, Ling Rong learned from the heartless Chun'er that the emperor didn't take the pajamas he gave him seriously, so he left sadly. Zhen Huan apologized to Ling Rong for Chun'er, and sent someone to send a pair of jade hairpins. Ling Rong misunderstood that Zhen Huan's move was to show off her wealth. At the same time, the emperor dotes on Chun'er even more, and Lingrong is neglected; the queen tells Lingrong that Zhen Huan has actually been using her.